Catsan 100% Natural Clumping Cat Litter
Cats are very particular about their litter habits. A dusty litter tray disturbs them. Get your cats Catsan 100% Natural Clumping Cat Litter. This top quality cat litter, when wet its clay particles quickly absorbs moisture and forms small well-defined clumps. These clumps can be easily removed when cleaning.

Show your cat the litter tray as soon as you bring it home and let your cat examine it. Make sure not to move the tray once your cat has seen it.
Place your cat in the litter tray after naps, meals and anytime you notice that your cat may need to use it—for example, if it sniffs or crouches in a particular area.
Reward your cat with a treat or toy every time it uses the litter tray, however, refrain from punishing or scolding it for accidents as this may lead to stress.